Welcome to the unofficial blog of MBA residency trips

You may want to take your time and not read it all in one sitting, my head is hurting just thinking about that...


Friday, May 28th: The Buicks & The Benz

After a boring company visit in the morning, we hit up a Beer Garden for lunch. The beer garden was interesting since it was a weekday and there were hundreds of people there, all with a beer in hand. Including the 90 year old woman enjoying her liter of helles.

Germany does not believe in plastic cups, and every time you get a beer you are handed a glass. You make a deposit, and they expect you to return the glass for your money back. But because the glasses there, sold at Hoffbrau House for $10, were only a $2 deposit, everyone decided that we would keep the mugs. Not exactly sure if we were supposed to or allowed to, but did it none the less. I can only imagine how funny it must have been for a German to see 20 people stealing the glasses.

I had a half liter of Beer mixed with Lemonade, which tasted like watered down beer with a hint of lemon. Blah...

Next we were off the the BMW factory for a two hour tour (a two hour tour). We checked out a bunch of cars that are far more terrible than my 1992 Buick LeSabre, and I laughed as I saw that the front seats in these cars could only hold 2 people. And they were 80 times more expensive. SUCKERS!

And guess what the girl who lost her passport did as soon as the tour started! She handed her purse to the tour guide who was not going to be on the tour and who was instead hanging out in a bar with 10 purses. Think McFly! Dash-Koooow!

The tour was neat, but there was no beer, and I was starting to experience withdrawal. The best part of the tour was the random strange guy that was lumped in with our group. He was strange because we wondered how he got into the tour, and why he had boobs. We actually saw the same guy later that night at the Hoffbrau House...eerie...

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