Unfortunately at our dock there was no boat, and nobody on the dock knew how to read our printed out tickets. So we missed the boat. Eventually we see a boat do a U-Turn, and realize that the GMU MBA program of business professionals, was the cause of this very embarrassing event.
As our bright red faces entered the boat, the crew collected our tickets and we took a seat on top of the boat in the hot sun. The waiter took everyone's order and then hit our table. Instead of taking our order however, he decided to go below deck instead. We waited an hour, watching him bring beers and desserts for everyone on the boat, before he even took our order.
The highlight of the trip was the flood gates where our boat just sat for 30 minutes each way while we baked in the hot sun. The view of a giant wall was breathtaking (sarcasm). Aside from that portion of the trip the cruise was nice. Prague looks very cool from the water and the weather was quite nice.
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